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Church Phone: (352)-694-4121
Church Email: fkpc@ftkingchurch.org
Website: https://www.ftkingchurch.org
Website Contact: fortkingpresbyterian@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FKPCinOcala

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Sundays. 10:30 AM

Fort King Presbyterian Church Mission Statement and Beliefs
We seek to build a loving community of people living and growing in faith as we work for justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God in the world. Everyone is welcome.
Ft King Welcomes all people of any age, gender, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status or disability into the full life and membership of this congregation.
JUSTICE: God's love, which we imitate and model to the world, is not selective. Everyone has an equal place at the table with enough to serve all. We advocate for inclusiveness. Everyone deserves a fair share and a voice---even the weakest, the marginalized, and the silent. We are called to act on their behalf according to God's purpose.
KINDNESS (MERCY): To love the unlovable, touch the untouchable, welcome the resistant, lead with gentleness, defer to one another in love. We see the Christ-light, the Spirit of God in each other's eyes and respect them accordingly.
HUMILITY : We recognize that "the kingdom, the power, and the glory" belong to God and not to ourselves. We are servants of the living God. We lead by following God's call on our lives, not by our own strength and will.
Inclusivity is important to this church. You are welcome not just to participate but to be involved in leadership here.

My name is Zakariyya Morad I am 14 years old and I am a member Ocala Islamic Center on 14th street. I have a English assignment for school and my topic is to learn about how Christians and Muslims worship God. May I interview someone for my assignment?
Thank you, Zakariyya.
That is wonderful, Zakariyya! We would be very happy to help you with your English assignment. We have met many wonderful members of your Ocala Islamic Center and shared some very nice times in fellowship. When would you like to get together for your interview? -Hal Brown (webmaster for FKPC)
What new features would you like to see on our FKPC website?
Our own biz to pay our bills walmart Walgreens CVS out all board of directors 5 million dollars refused to hire reinstatement USCA violations NLRB FLORIDA GEORGIA retaliation on former claims Former workers previously employed by same employers Violations of Flor statutes and foreign projects Case numbers Walgreens
Pharmacists equal to Dos Rph sue Kalamazoo Michigan 8th Minnesota 3rd 5th attorneys general