Youth Ministry (YAK)

Fort King Presbyterian Church

Youth and Kids (YAK) Ministry


Committee Members:

Harvey Bohner, Chair; Chris Berryhill,  Chris Bishop, Kathy Bohner, Angela Christie,

Bob Schlegel


Committee Purpose:

Youth and Kids (YAK) Ministry’s purpose is to provide programs that will enhance Church values through education, outreach, and youth activities.

The Ministry meets monthly sometimes in Session, but usually by zoom.  The Chair sets the agenda and emails it to the other members prior to the meeting with the request for any new projects that maybe needed.


Committee Responsibilities:

  1. To help our youth understand God’s love for all of us through curriculum relative to

our Presbyterian USA faith.

  1. To extend outreach programs to the community through our summer Vacation Bible

School and Scouting programs.

  1. To share with our youth, as they continue their faith journey, the example of Jesus’

love which was exhibited to all of us through His life and teachings by way of our

Sunday School program.

  1. To share with the congregation what we are supporting by writing articles for the

Link and making Moments for Ministry during the Sunday services as needed.

  1. To report to Session at their monthly meetings our current and future projects.


Youth and Kids (YAK) Relationships and Responsibilities:

The Youth and Kids Ministry is accountable to the Session.  The Ministry will present a written and oral report to the Session each month.