ART 4 ALL will resume in-person creative gatherings at Ft. King Presbyterian this Sunday, March 20, from 3 until 5.

 We are thrilled to announce that ART 4 ALL will resume in-person creative gatherings at Ft. King Presbyterian
this Sunday, March 20, from 3 until 5.
 ALL ages, ALL faiths, ALL abilities are welcome.

 There is never a charge, but donations of cereal, soup, peanut butter, and other canned goods for the St. Paul AME food pantry are greatly appreciated.
Here are some of the wonderful creative projects you will have the opportunity to participate in:
We sure hope to see you there!
For more info, write
ART 4 ALL is a monthly, intergenerational group open to
all people. Our mission is to build connections by encouraging the God-given gift of artistic expression.
All materials are free of charge.
FT KING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH is a welcoming community of people who strive to seek justice, show mercy, and walk humbly with God. Fort King welcomes all people of any age, gender, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status, or disability into the full life and membership of its congregation. For further information, please contact the church office at 352-694-4121.