Ministry Members:
Steve Layendecker; chair & Treasurer, Cash Pealer, Sally Layendecker, Sue Minicozzi, Bernice Henry
Ministry Purpose
The purpose is to be good stewards of the church’s financial resources by adhering to the policies and procedures as stated in Fort king Presbyterian Church’s financial policy.
Ministry Responsibilities
A. Ensure all donations are deposited in a timely manner.
B. Weekly monitoring of Sunday worship donations, etc.
C. Present current year budget to Session for approval.
D. Present current year budget to congregation at annual Congregational Meeting in January.
E. Present monthly treasurer’s report to Session.
F. Analyze monthly financial reports for accuracy.
G. Hold monthly meetings.
H. Review all means to eliminate unnecessary costs.
I. Review all means to increase church income.
J. Hold Session accountable to perform an annual internal financial audit.
Finance Ministry Relationships and Accountability
The Finance Ministry is accountable to the Session. The ministry will present a report to the Session following each monthly meeting. The Finance Ministry will maintain favorable relationships with all banks, financial institutions, etc. that Fort King Presbyterian Church does business with.