Crossroads II,  Sunday, March 5, 2023.  “An open discussion about classes we have had and where we might go from here”.  The class will be held in the Session Room and on Zoom.

Crossroads Zoom Link Meeting ID: 863 4206 2681​Passcode: 352661 Gwynn Pealer will lead the class as we look back at things we have heard and learned over the past two years.  There will be opportunity for suggestions for class topics for next Fall.   Please come to class ready to offer your response to the classes we…

Crossroads II, Sunday, February 26, 2023, 9:00 AM. “The Garden as a Spiritual Place” by Sheena Schlegel. Class will be held in the Session Room and on Zoom.

We are pleased to have Sheena Schlegel lead the class this Sunday.   Sheena grew up on a farm in Scotland. She was an elementary teacher for over 20 years in Scottish public schools, the last 9 as a principal. ​After marrying and moving to Long Island, NY, she first taught computing in an after school…

Crossroads II. Sunday, February 19, 2023. “The Personal Power of Learning and Experiencing Black History and Art”.  Class will be held in the Session Room (and on Zoom).
Crossroads II. Sunday, February 19, 2023. “The Personal Power of Learning and Experiencing Black History and Art”.  Class will be held in the Session Room (and on Zoom).

We are privileged to have Mr. Charles Eady as our guest this Sunday.  Mr. Eady is an art educator at Belleview High School.  He is an award-winning mixed media artist.  One of his pieces, entitled “American Jockey” is part of the permanent collection at the Appleton Museum of Art in Ocala.  He will have a one person exhibit at the…

Crossroads II Schedule February 12-April 23
Crossroads II Schedule February 12-April 23

Mary Beth Neely reports:   “We have a meaningful and timely schedule of classes planned for Crossroads in the coming weeks.  We intentionally move between issues of justice and matters of the spirit, the outward journey and inward journey.    I am pleased to send you the Crossroads Schedule for the next 11 weeks! Crossroads IIFebruary 12 – April 23,…

Crossroads II Fort King Presbyterian Church Sunday, February 5, 2023.   Negro Spirituals:  A Vital Piece of the Black Experience.  The class will be held in the Session Room and on Zoom
Crossroads II Fort King Presbyterian Church Sunday, February 5, 2023.   Negro Spirituals:  A Vital Piece of the Black Experience.  The class will be held in the Session Room and on Zoom

Daniel Banks will lead class this Sunday.  Daniel is an active member of Fort King PC, serving as an elder and the Chair of the Worship Ministry.  Daniel is a graduate of Florida State University with a degree in elementary education.  He retired after teaching early childhood education for 29 years, and now works to train teachers. In…

Crossroads II class for Sunday, January 29, 2023.  A Piece of Local Civil War History That We Were Not Taught:  The Marshall Plantation Raid. Part II.   The class will be held in the Session Room.
Crossroads II class for Sunday, January 29, 2023.  A Piece of Local Civil War History That We Were Not Taught:  The Marshall Plantation Raid. Part II.   The class will be held in the Session Room.

​ Bruce Seaman returns to us this Sunday with the second part of his presentation about the Marshall Plantation raid during the Civil War.  He has recently published a book, To Succeed Where Others Failed:  The Untold Story of the Marshall Plantation Raid.  ​This Sunday Bruce will speak about the raid itself. Like so many parts of our…

Please join us!   Crossroads II Fort King Presbyterian Church Sunday, January 15, 2023.  “Leadership in the Continuing Struggle for Racial Justice With Reflections on Martin Luther King”.

Colonel Gorham L. Black III will be our guest this Sunday.  Mr. Black is a retired military officer, attaining the rank of Colonel.   Colonel Black served our country in a number of command and staff positions throughout the United States and abroad for 27 years, retiring in 1990.   Subsequent to his military service, Mr. Black worked…