Crossroads II, Fort King Presbyterian Church Sunday, December 11, 2022.   Spiritual Journeys:  Journeys to Ephesus and Patmos The class will be held in the Session Room, and on Zoom.

We are pleased that Nancy Stephenson and Joe and Jeannie Tyler will share a bit about their visits to Ephesus and Patmos.  These will be modern impressions of spiritual journeys taken by Paul in the first century.  

​Ephesus was a city of ancient Greece, though the site is in modern day Turkey.  It is where the apostle Paul established a church, and may well be where the Gospel of John was written.  Patmos is an island in the Aegean Sea.  It is where John of Patmos received visions and wrote the book of Revelation.
Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.

Meeting ID: 836 3031 4640
Passcode: Micah6:8

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