Crossroads II Fort King Presbyterian Church Sunday, November 20, 2022.   Spiritual Journeys:  Travel to Israel.   The class will be held in the Session Room. (and on Zoom)

Becky Wolf, Mary Beth Neely, and Rev. Marianne Niesen, on the Teaching Steps of the Temple in Jerusalem
Twenty-five of us traveled to Israel for two weeks in October on a spectacular spiritual journey which was led by Marianne Niesen.  Becky Wolf and Mary Beth Neely were two members of a group that came from all over the United States.  We climbed many archeological tels, learned much historical detail, enjoyed delicious Middle Eastern cuisine, and had the Bible opened up to us in new and unexpected ways.  This Sunday Becky, Marianne, and Mary Beth will share a snapshot of a truly meaningful trip.
Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.
Meeting ID: 836 3031 4640
Passcode: Micah6:8

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