Crossroads II Fort King Presbyterian Church Sunday, November 6, 2022.   Black History; Ocala’s West Side.   Class will be held in the Session Room (and on Zoom).

Crossroads II Fort King Presbyterian Church Sunday, November 6, 2022.   Black History; Ocala’s West Side.   Class will be held in the Session Room (and on Zoom).

This Sunday Dr. Barbara Brooks will be our speaker and discussion leader.  Dr. Brooks is the founder and president of R.A.M.A.L (Reach, Aim, Motivate and Lead) Educational Services. 

She has had a career in education, corrections, mental health counseling and social work.  

Dr. Brooks is the author of One House, Street, Community.  The book helps fund R.A.M.A.L, which works to advocate for people who are seeking employment, affordable housing, educational support,  or need support navigating the health system.  

We are eager to hear Dr. Brooks’ perspective on the history of West Ocala, as well as issues confronting  West Ocala today.

 Dr. Barbara Brooks

Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00. 
Remember!    There is a time change:  we “fall” back!

Meeting ID:  836 3031 4640
Passcode:      Micah6:8
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