Crossroads II Fort King Presbyterian Church Sunday, September 17, 2023

Crossroads II
Fort King Presbyterian Church
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Our Church/Ourselves:  Living the Life and Teachings of Jesus 
Session 2:  Introduction to Your Inward Journey
The class will be held in the Session Room.
(and on Zoom)
This Sunday we will hear five or six very different and inspiring faith stories that describe unique “inward journeys.” We will learn what strengthened people’s faith and maybe about things that got in the way. In the process we hope to gain insights about strategies and tools that we can use for our own faith journeys.

Margaret Spontak will lead the discussion, encouraging us to share touchdown or defining moments that we may have encountered in our journeys. We all have unique ways of striving to live according to the life and values of Jesus. Margaret will explore what author Elizabeth O’Connor meant when she discussed the “inward journey” in her book Journey Inward, Journey OutwardElizabeth O’Connor describes three parts of the inward journey. O’Connor shares, “The new forms of Church will be shaped by the need of every person to become the person he or she can become.” 

We will each take home a simple worksheet to identify potential tools or disciplines that could help us maintain and build our faith.
Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.
Meeting ID: 868 1436 2290
Passcode: Micah6:8
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