Crossroads II; Reflecting on What We Have Learned!

Crossroads II; Reflecting on What We Have Learned!

Sunday, May 12, 2024. Looking Forward to Fall Classes. The class will be held in the Session Room and on Zoom.

This will be our final Crossroads II class for this season. We will resume classes in September. We are going to use this class to reflect on what we have learned over the past four months, and to brainstorm about possible topics and areas of discussion for next Fall. To jog your memories, there is a list of all of the classes that we have had since January listed below. You might recall that we have focused on two main themes during that time: “Callings” and “Practicing the Presence of God.” Be ready to share some of the things that you have learned, or that have challenged you in some way. In addition, we hope that you will share any ideas you might have for future classes.
Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.

Crossroads II Classes
January – May, 2024

January 7 – Callings: Called to Create:
Leaders: Art4All
January 14 – Callings: What is your call at this time in your life?
Leader: Mary Beth Neely
January 21 – Callings: Diana Butler Bass
Leader: Barbara Fitos
January 28 – Callings: Called to Mentor
Leaders: John Rogers and Jennifer Hatchett
February 4 – Reconnecting Body and Soul: A Calling to Help Reduce Medical Debt Leaders: Suzy Heinbockel and Bridgett Kiefer
February 11 – Callings: Promoting Arts and Healing
Leader: Patricia Tomlinson
February 18 – Callings: A “Lost Boy” of Sudan Called to Help the People of Sudan Leader: Joseph Atem
February 25 – Callings: Ora Clubhouse and Helping those with Mental Illness
Leader: Leda Perez
March 3 – Callings: Called on a Mission to Cuba
Leader: Pam Lewin
March 10 – A Conversation about Fort King PC’s future
Leader: Mary Beth Neely
March 17: Practicing the Presence of God: What is Christian Mysticism?
Leaders: Judith Bullen and Susan Jensen
March 24: Practicing the Presence of God: Contemporary Teachings on Celtic Spirituality
Leader: Susan Jensen
March 31: Practicing the Presence of God: Practical Spirituality
Leader: Susan Jensen
April 7: Practicing the Presence of God: Readings from the Practitioners of God’s Presence
Leader: Barbara Fitos
April 14: Practicing the Presence of God: Finding God in Nature
Leader: Margaret Spontak
April 21 and April 28 – Practicing the Presence of God: The Meaning of the Celtic Cross
Leader: John Philip Newell with Diana Butler Bass (video)
May 5 – God’s Awesome Creation
Leader: Gwynn Pealer

Crossroads II; Reflecting on What We Have Learned!
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