Crossroads II, Sunday, February 26, 2023, 9:00 AM. “The Garden as a Spiritual Place” by Sheena Schlegel. Class will be held in the Session Room and on Zoom.

We are pleased to have Sheena Schlegel lead the class this Sunday.  

Sheena grew up on a farm in Scotland. She was an elementary teacher for over 20 years in Scottish public schools, the last 9 as a principal.

​After marrying and moving to Long Island, NY, she first taught computing in an after school private business, and then taught 5th Grade in a private school for 14 years, the last year as Director of the Lower School. 


Sheena Schlegel
Although Sheena has been a Master Gardener for only 11 years, she has gardened all her life.

​But she has had to relearn her gardening skills and knowledge as she moved first from Scotland to USA and then to Florida. In her Ocala garden she grows vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruits.   Sheena,also, has created and maintains the Fort King PC garden.  

There could be no one better to lead our discussion on the garden as a spiritual place than Sheena!

​Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.

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