Crossroads II.   Sunday, January 14, 2024. Callings:  What is your Call at this Time in Your Life? The class will be held in the Session Room (and on Zoom).

All of us have a call, no matter our age or stage in life.  Our call changes repeatedly over the course of our life.  If you remember the stories about Moses, you know that his call to ministry changed many times throughout his life. We might have several callings at the same time.  A Call does not have to be big.  It might be that we are called to do one small act of kindness. 
Come to class this week ready to share.  We each will share our past callings and our current ones, and how each helps make our life fuller and more meaningful.  Perhaps we are looking for a call.  It might be a time to discern how God is calling you.

Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.
Meeting ID: 895 9168 1792
Passcode: Micah6:8