Crossroads II, Sunday, January 21, 2024.  Callings:  What does Diana Butler Bass say about being called?  The class will be held in the Session Room (and on Zoom).

​Barbara Fitos will lead the Crossroads class this Sunday.  She will draw from some of the writings of Diana Butler Bass about being called as disciples of Jesus.  Diana Butler Bass is an historian of Christianity.  She moved theologically from being an evangelical Christian to holding more of a progressive perspective.  The passage below is from her 
Publication entitled “The Cottage.”
            Jesus sees Nathanael under a fig tree, under the covering of shame. Yet Jesus sees a good man, person of pure heart. When he said to Nathanael, “I saw you under the fig tree,” he was saying, “I see YOU – beyond your shame, beyond whatever you seek to hide, beyond every bad choice you have ever made. And I see you for who you really are: without deceit.” There is no judgment, no condemnation; instead, there is an invitation to come into the light.

If God sees us thus, we should be able to see ourselves in the same way. We should not fear looking at ourselves, deeply and reflectively. Not as a fixation like Narcissus. But with honesty and acceptance and insight and forgiveness and grace.  
Discipleship doesn’t begin by seeing ourselves as sinners. Anyone can do that. That’s why we hide. Discipleship begins by seeing ourselves as Jesus sees us. To see ourselves clearly — as Nathanael did — without deceit — through the loving eyes of Christ — that is the beginning of discipleship.”
 Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.
Meeting ID: 895 9168 1792
Passcode: Micah6:8