Crossroads II.  Sunday, January 7, 2024 Callings:  “Called to Create”.   The class will be held in the Session Room. (and on Zoom)

Happy New Year to everyone!  We are going to begin the new year with a series on “Calling.”  All of us have a call, no matter our age or stage in life.  Frederick Buchner wrote, “Vocation is the place where our deep gladness meets the world’s deep need.”

To live fully into our spiritual life, we are tasked with discerning our own call and living into it.    We will hear from a number of people within the Fort King PC congregation, and outside of it, describing their call.  

​This week we begin with some people who are part of Art4All, and are living out their call through artistic expression.
Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.
Meeting ID: 895 9168 1792
Passcode: Micah6:8