Crossroads II.   Sunday, May 21, 2023.   How Black History Can Inform Our Future.   The class will be held in the Session Room and on Zoom.


​The Rev. Leroy Chandler is our speaker this week.  Rev. Chandler is pastor of New St. Paul Church in Flemington.

Being a pastor is a second career for him, and he entered it as a prison minister.  It was there that he realized that there were very few artifacts and historical items from African American history in local museums and libraries.  So he put together the Shamgar Ministries’ Pathways to Freedom Exhibit.

​After years of curating, research and study he created a massive collection of unique and historical items of the history of African people. 

This Sunday Rev. Chandler will look back at Black history through the eyes of Jesus.  His talk centers not on the atrocities that happened, but on how and why they happened.  How would history have been different during that period if people had been living according to the teachings of Jesus?
Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.

Meeting ID: 822 7630 6920
Passcode: Micah6:8