Crossroads II   Sunday, October 22, 2023. Our Church/Ourselves:  Living the Life and Teachings of Jesus  Outward Journey:  Our Church in the Community and Beyond. The class will be held in the Session Room.

Mary Beth Neely will lead the class this Sunday to introduce the second part of our series:  the Outward Journey.  We will focus on various ways to reach out to others in love and with the goal of justice for all of God’s children.  The emphasis will be on what we already are doing, or have done, as a church family.

Sue Thomas, a member of the Mission Ministry, will highlight some of the important recent mission initiatives of Fort King.  In the next seven or eight weeks the class will delve into a number of timely and pressing issues in our larger Ocala community.
Note:  The devotional by Bob Schlegel is below…
Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.

Click here to Our Church/Ourselves:  Living the Life and Teachings of JesusSession 7:  Outward Journey:  Our Church in the Community and Beyond
A devotional reflection
by Bob Schlegel
Twenty years ago I became a Master Mason in New York.  Masonry is not a religion, but candidates must acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being.  Masons often refer to that being as. The Great Architect of the Universe.

 Last month Sheena and I were privileged to be in a small Swiss alpine village named Kandersteg.  We were attending a scouting event there.   The event, in support of International Scouting, was being held at the Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC).

 We were amazed at the scenery surrounding this place.  It reminded me of the aptness of the masonic name for God, the Great Architect of the Universe, whose creativeness we were beholding with every look around us!edit.

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