Crossroads II.  Sunday, October 8, 2023  Our Church/Ourselves:  Living the Life and Teachings of Jesus.  Session 5:  The Power of Prayer and Meditation. The class will be held in the Session Room. (and on Zoom)

Susan Jensen will lead the class this Sunday.  Susan is a gifted member of our Fort King family.  She is an artist in every sense:  She works with clay, with words, and with ideas – all with deep understanding and creativity.  

Our focus will be prayer and meditation.  Seeking to follow Jesus on our journey inward, we note that prayer was integral to his very being.  More than occasional words of praise or petition,  prayer was a deep, unceasing sense of divine presence, of being one with the Spirit of God. It is this intimate relationship that we are called to emulate.  Our class will explore this understanding of prayer and meditation as well as some tools and practices to help deepen our own abiding sense of living in the Spirit’s presence.
Please join us for coffee (and on Zoom) at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.

Meeting ID: 856 0415 4934
Passcode: 392162
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