How wonderful, O Lord, are the works of your hands!
The heavens declare your glory,
the arch of sky displays your handiwork.
In your love you have given us the power
to behold the beauty of your world
robed in all its splendor.
The sun and the stars, the valleys and hills,
the rivers and lakes all disclose your presence.
The roaring breakers of the sea tell of your awesome might;
the beasts of the field and the birds of the air
bespeak your wondrous will.
In your goodness you have made us able to hear
the music of the world. The voices of loved ones
reveal to us that you are in our midst.
A divine voice sings through all creation.

These are the Earth Care Pledges collected from our Congregation on
Earth Care Sunday April 21, 2024
Turn off water when not showering or rinsing dishes.
Turn off water when brushing teeth
Be mindful of litter & pick it up ///
Get & fill a bird feeder & hummingbird feeder //
Plant a butterfly garden ///
Use a rain barrel
Recycle cans & plastic bottles ///////
Pay attention to the revelation of God in creation
Create a vegetable garden at my house
Recycle as much as possible //////////////
Use fewer paper products //
Plant native flowers ///
Walk more-drive less
No bottled water
Consolidate shopping trips to use less gas, reduce pollution & fuel cost ////
Identify eco friendly charities & donate to them
Be kinder to people
Help those in need
Plant honeysuckle & other plants for the bees & hummingbirds & butterflies & birds //
Use more items that are earth friendly
Reduce plastic use in our home ////
Pay better attention to my surroundings
Reuse & repurpose as much as possible, reduce waste
Use cloth grocery bags //
Offer more prayers of thanks for creation & prayers to help preserve creation
Use no lawn herbicides or pesticides
Reuse bottles & containers ///
Shop at farmers markets instead of large food stores
Volunteer at Nature type locations //
Use biodegradable products
Support our State Parks
Buy recycled items //
Learn how to use nature to control garden pests
Appreciate & walk in local beautiful natural settings
Help care for your home’s natural surroundings
Eat more vegetables & less meat
Buy safer to the environment cleaning products
Conserve water
Transplant, share or give away unneeded plants & shrubs instead of cutting down & throwing away

Did you know…
We have been an “Earth Care” Congregation for 12 years!

We seek to do best ecological practices,
Support climate change initiatives,
Reduce, reuse, recycle,
Educate on water usage,
Maintain and upgrade facility in energy efficiency
Appreciate animals and their habit needs.We are a certified Earth Care Congregation and have been for over 10 years. The certification requires a 4-fold pledge in worship, education, facility management and outreach and each year a report is sent in order to maintain certification.We have three Master Gardeners; they maintain our beds and gardens.

We were certified February 3, 2012 and recertify each year.
It is a lengthy application; Charlanne Brown needs church members to keep her informed by text (302-685-2960) or email ( of the many things we do as a congregation to cherish, protect & restore this Earth.
Every committee, kindly let Charlanne know when you do things such as:
Conserve water or electricity in our church and at home
Improve recycling
Attend classes on God’s creation
Use recycled items in your programs
Encourage others outside of our church to take care of the environment, etc.
God gave us this beautiful & wondrous Earth and in the Book of Genesis, “instructed us to take care of it”.

February 2022
Just a reminder to bring your plastic bags (clean & dry) to any Publix to their outside recycling bins: including bread bags, shopping bags, dry cleaning bags, produce bags, potato bags, water conditioner salt bags, wood pellets bags, etc.
Bring your Styrofoam to any Publix outside recycling bin. Clean and dry Styrofoam cups, plates, packaging of meat and vegetables & fruit, and especially large pieces of Styrofoam packaging. if too large for the bin, they accept it at the customer service desk.
Our Church has Durable Medical Equipment available to borrow at no cost, (just sign a waiver); wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs with and without arms or backs, crutches, canes including 4 prong canes, ice machine for after surgery, sturdy cushioned medical boot for after foot surgery, knee brace, etc. See Sheri if you have a need for any of these.
Florida Arbor Day was Jan. 21, 2022 and National Arbor day is April 29, 2022.
A Meyer lemon tree will be given away on April 24 in honor of both days.
We are a certified Earth Care Congregation and have been for over 10 years. The certification requires a 4-fold pledge in worship, education, facility management and outreach and each year a report is sent in order to maintain certification.
We have three Master Gardeners; they maintain our beds and gardens.