Fall Crossroads II ProgramOur Church/Ourselves:  Living the Life and Teachings of Jesus

There will be a covered dish luncheon on September 3, 2023 after worship to introduce the program.  Everyone is invited.

Finding our way, both as individuals and our church community, is made by going. Its direction is shaped by listening and observing how the Divine Presence calls us forward.  It moves by weighing the choices, navigating the crossroads, determining just how much control we are willing to yield in order to serve God’s purpose above our own.
This fall the Crossroads II class will explore what it means to follow God’s Spirit and the teachings of Jesus 1) on a journey inward to the threshold depths of heart and soul, and 2) on an outward journey of the Way, the Truth, and the Life to which we have been called in Jesus’ name. This includes both an individual and a corporate call to listen, follow, and to serve.
We hope you will want to be a part of the conversation. 
“Thus says the Lord:   stand at the crossroads and look and ask for the ancient paths where the good way lies; walk in it and find rest for your souls.”
(Note: Beautiful words above extracted from Susan Jensen’s sermon in June 2023)


  1. To explore some of the most important teachings of Jesus.
  2. To bring participants and our church closer to the teachings of Jesus through personal practices and community engagement.


September 10 – Introduction to the Series
          Leader:  Margaret Spontak
September 17 – Your Inward Journey
          Leader:  Margaret Spontak
September 24 – Finding Courage and Conviction
          Leader:  Daniel Banks
October 1 – Is God Calling You?
          Leader:  Ervin Bullock
October 8 – The Power of Prayer and Meditation
          Leader:  Susan Jensen
October 15 – Self-Awareness and Self-Control
          Leader:  Annette George with Melba Moore
October 22 – Outward Journey: Our Church in the Community and Beyond
          Leader:  Mary Beth Neely
October 29– Love compassion and forgiveness
          Leaders:  Bruce Seaman, with Manal Fakhoury and Jon Ohlman
November 5 – Gun Violence in Our Community
          Leader:  Joanne Ohlman, with Chief Balkan and Beth Mc Call
November 12 – Justice for All
          Leaders: Judith Bullen and Joanne Ohlman
November 19 – Caring for the Poor, the Sick and the Elderly
          Leaders:  Sheena Schlegel with Pam Lewin
November 26 – No class
December 3 – Caring for God’s Children
          Leaders:  Joanne Ohlman with Kut Different
December 10 – Earth Stewardship
          Leaders:  Sally Layendecker, Charlanne Brown
December 17 – Sharing our Time, Talent and Treasure
          Leader:  Barbara Fitos, with introduction by Pastor Jo Anne D
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