


MINISTRY MEMBERS: Bernice Henry, Chair, Members Judy Bowman, Laura Fuller, Judy Harriss, Susan Jensen, Heidi Lawson and Nancy Stephenson.


MINISTRY PURPOSE The purpose of the Fellowship Ministry is to provide opportunities and events for the congregation to socialize and build relationships with each other as well as with members of the community. The plans include holding covered dish meals and other events that gather the congregation together.


MINISTRY RESPONSIBILITIES: To make plans for specific events and gatherings for the enjoyment of the congregation such as: Covered Dish Meals, Game Nights, and Holiday Events including Christmas Caroling, Chili Night, Cinco de Mayo Celebration, etc. The ministry will be responsible for advertising these events and inviting the congregation to attend. The ministry will be responsible to provide budget funds for most events with the exception of covered dish meals.


FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY RELATIONSHIPS AND ACCOUNTABILITY: The Fellowship Ministry is accountable to the Session. The Ministry will present a written and oral report to the Session each month.

The Fellowship Ministry creates different opportunities for the congregation and friends to come together and enjoining being with one another.  Some of the things they sponsor include:  Dinners for 8, Lunch and Learn, Easter egg hunt for kids, game nights, and Fellowship dinners with a theme.


​November 2023

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed…….
Does this make you want to get into the Christmas Spirit?  Well, come on over to the church on December 10, 2023, for our annual “Bonfire and Caroling” sponsored by the Fellowship Ministry.  We will have hot dogs, chips, cookies, and hot chocolate.  All you need to bring is your lawn chair and flashlight.  There will be gluten free items for those who need them. We will get in the spirit of Christmas singing all our Christmas songs, both sacred hymns and popular secular favorites, so you better watch out, you better not pout, you better not cry, I’m telling you why, Fort King folks are singing this night!! We will begin at 4:30 pm (remember it begins to get dark earlier by then.)  We will have printed song sheets this year with the words (no music, just words), Rick will provide the music.
We hope many of you are planning to contribute items for the bake sale at the White Elephant Sale.  Bring your delicious cookies, brownies, muffins, pound cakes, candies, individual pies, etc on plates wrapped in saran wrap or in plastic bags or other creative wrap with a label as to what your item is and whether there are nuts in them.  We will be available Thursday, Friday morning and even early Saturday morning if you can’t bring them earlier.  Thank you so much for helping our Presbyterian Women’s Event!!!
Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 6:30pm
Ocala Tree of Life Sanctuary
6140 Southwest 78th Avenue Road
Ocala, FL 34474
Please bring a donation of an unwrapped toy