Interested in FKPC history and/or genealogy, remembering those who have passed on, and/or helping others learn? We invite you to come help with the website…  join our website history research team for our birthday remembrances and virtual cemetery.

Interested in FKPC history and/or genealogy, remembering those who have passed on, and/or helping others learn? We invite you to come help with the website…  join our website history research team for our birthday remembrances and virtual cemetery.

1. Do you have to attend meetings? No.

2. Will it cost anything? No.

3. Do I have to travel? No.

4. How much time will this require? Not much… your call! 10 minutes here and there or perhaps 10 minutes a week, or 10 minutes a month. 

5. Doing what? I will provide a list of names… then, you decide!  Research in Ancestry, archival newspapers, and other resources. Search for data, obituaries, photographs, grave sites, and biographical information.

Interested? Please contact

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