Committee Members
Nancy Copeland, Chair; Mary Beth Neely, Lauren Merriam, Lenore Phillips, Bob Schlegel, Rick Tomberlin
Committee Purpose
The purpose is to provide for an orderly, focused and considerate means for the Session to build a healthy and legal work environment.
The Committee shall meet at least quarterly and on the call of the Chairperson or Pastor. The agenda for each meeting shall be set by the chairperson and the Pastor jointly to ensure all needs and/or issues are addressed.
Committee Responsibilities
A. Recommend to Session position descriptions for all staff.
B. Review compensation packages for all staff with the Finance Committee and jointly recommend the compensation packages to Session.
C. Develop and recommend FKPC’s Personnel Policies to the Session.
D. Encourage professional growth and development for all staff.
E. Devise and recommend ways to manage risk liabilities related to staff work.
F. Develop and implement the plan of Equal Employment Opportunity for Session that is consistent with the Presbytery.
G. Implement an annual review process for all staff to assist in work planning and work evaluation.
H. Act as a support group for the Pastor and all other staff members and confer with the Pastor on any important issues of concern.
Personnel Committee Relationships and Accountability
The Personnel Committee is accountable to the Session. The Committee will present a written report/meeting minutes to Session following each Committee meeting.