PLEASE DO NOT EAT IN THE LIBRARY.  The ants will get in!

Good “Finally” Friday,
I hope everyone has had a week full of blessings and joy.  Today being Friday, it’s time for crazy things that are signs or are headlines.  The following was posted in the Suwannee County Library in Live Oak (my favorite Florida town).
The ants will get in.  
They will learn how to read.  
Then, they will get too smart.  
Power Corrupts.  
So…the ants will turn evil and take over the world!

I can associate with the sign.  Sometimes, I have the tiniest, wee, little ants visit my home.  I don’t know why, but they do.  And they are busy little buggers!  They scurry around doing unknown projects.  They stop and “consult” with one another.  I’ve even seen these pests work together to carry something away.  It’s especially interesting to watch them form a single-file line as if going to a movie, or even better, lining up for the buffet.  Then, at some point in time, they disappear.
As a church family, it has been my observation that FKPC is like the ants.  We work together, plan together, and even line up for the wonderful buffet of worship. We gather as a group for Choir, Crossroads, Prayer Chains, Fellowship, Mission, Women and Men’s groups, and so many others.  We are always reaching out to help others, both in our church family and around the world.  GLORY!   
So, my fellow “ants”, continue to do God’s work you are so excellently doing.  With the Master’s help, we will win the world for Christ!
Have a blessed day, and see you Sunday,
With a song in my heart,
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