To Think About for Crossroads this coming Sunday, April 30, 2023

To Think About for Crossroads this coming Sunday, April 30, 2023

This coming Sunday in Crossroads we will have a chance for reflections on what we have heard and learned in the past few months.  It will be an open discussion, so please come ready to share how you have been impacted by our speakers and discussions.  Our topics in the past four month have fallen into two general categories:  1. African American history and experience
2. Spiritual life:  renewing our spirits, and the spiritual lives of others.

African American History and culture
Rosewood – what happened there
Free Blacks before the Civil War. – Charles Eady’s family
Marshall Plantation Raid
Negro Spirituals
The Groveland Four and their exoneration

The garden as a spiritual place
Walking the labyrinth
God’s awesome wonder:  bees
The Writings of Frederick Buechner

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