Worship Ministry
Purpose & Scope
Ft. King Presbyterian Church
Members: Daniel Banks, chair; Rick Roberts, Laura Fowler, Hal Brown, Anne MacKay, Phyllis Altonn, Joe&Jeannie Tyler, Chris Berryhill, Becky Wolf
Committee Purpose: The Worship Ministry seeks to provide opportunities for people to embrace and connect with each other; and to empower each individual’s relationship with God, with each other and with the community. This is done through liturgy, study and meaningful interaction. We accept and seek to celebrate diversity as we strive for spiritual unity, in meaningful sacraments, faithful service and daily ministry.
Committee Responsibilities:
1. Preparation for regular and special worship services, including weddings, funerals and memorial services
2. Provision of guest ministers
3. Preparation of appropriate flower arrangements
4. Management of the sound and video system in the sanctuary
5. Ministry of ushers and greeters
6. Ministry of acolytes
7. Music ministry, including adult and children’s choirs, Provision of substitute organists and guest musicians, Purchase of music
8. Planning for and providing Wednesday evening study/reflection programs during Advent and Lent.
9. Regular Sunday Worship services are held in the sanctuary at 10:30 AM.
View from the Pews – We welcome suggestions from all in our church family and discuss how to best implement them.
***Pastoral Input – The Pastor serves as an advisor to the Worship Ministry as we work together to serve God. ***Streaming Services – on Zoom and FaceBook Live
10. The Worship Ministry meets on Zoom each month and a monthly report is made to Session. –
Worship Ministry Relationships and Accountability:
Worship Committee is accountable to the Session and reports monthly.