Zoom link for Crossroads II, Sunday, April 10, 2022

Crossroads II
Fort King Presbyterian Church
Sunday, April 10, 2022
The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic
By Bishop John Shelby Spong
Judith Bullen will lead the discussion this Sunday on Part V of Bishop Spong’s book, The Fourth Gospel:  Tales of a Jewish Mystic. Judith and her enthusiasm for his writings was the inspiration for our choosing to read Spong in the first place.   Please join us, whether or not you have read the book. Together we will humbly reflect on Jesus’ resurrection and what it means for all of us.   Please join us on Zoom at 8:45 and class will begin at 9:00.
Meeting ID: 810 0652 4668
Passcode: Micah6:8
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